HomeStampa esteraIsraele: "lezioni di storia" in TV mostrano Gesù-scimmia

Israele: “lezioni di storia” in TV mostrano Gesù-scimmia

Tim King da del 23 aprile 2011

Un siparietto comico della tv israeliana –  “The History Lesson of Toffee and Gorilla” – mostra Gesù come una scimmia che viene crocifissa da una ragazza in bikini, e dipinge con accenti razzisti e offensivi i non-ebrei (“goyam”, termine dispregiativo per “gentili”) e gli ebrei che vogliono “assimilarsi” (disprezzati perché mmangiano maiale e torroncini svizzeri…). In un passaggio del discutibile sketch, Toffee chiama la scimmia-Gesù “nazista”. Lo denuncia un collega di Vittorio Arrigoni (il reporter indipendente assassinato a Gaza in circostanze non chiare lo scorso aprile) su Salem News, quotidiano online dell’Oregon (USA).

GUARDA IL VIDEO SU YOUTUBE (Attenzione: contiene scene offensive)

So, a slutty Israeli TV show features a chick in a skimpy bikini mocking Jesus Christ by showing him as a stupid looking monkey hanging on a cross. Then using the ‘f’  word [fucking NdR], she proceeds to tell Jewish viewers that Christians, we ‘goyam’, are ‘dangerous’ toward Jews. From there, it gets much worse.

We aren’t making this up; this is Israeli television being widely viewed today. The show is called, “The History Program of Toffee and the Gorilla”. Anyone who advocates for this should not write a comment, instead they should consider ripping their heart out and sticking it in a jar; it would have equal purpose and someday we could study it and perhaps determine what the hell is wrong with you)

Host: “I came to talk about the highlights of the history of the Jewish people – from times past until today. Today we will learn about he crucifixion of Yeshu. Have you heard about Yeshu?”

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Monkey: “I’ve heard he’s an honorable person”

Host: “No, Yeshu was an enemy of the Jewish people. He attempted to convert us all into Christians. Although there are good Christians, to the Jew this is a terrible danger, a threat to the peace of the Jewish people”.

Monkey: “I want to assimilate”.

Host: Do you even know what it is to assimilate? It means to get fucked up with a goyah; this is something that neither me or you, obviously, want.

(Later in the show, the host tells the monkey that if he really wants to understand Jesus, he would have to act out the scene. Soon the mockery of Christ goes into third gear, as she gets out a hammer and literally nails the monkey to the cross.”)

Monkey yells: “My God, Why have you forsaken me?”

He is screaming, further mocking the agony of Jesus as he was crucified. Then she tells the Jesus Monkey.

Host: “You are a Nazi, Yeshu (Jesus), you are a Nazi”.

So all of you who tell me how bad I am for the articles I write about Israel, let’s hear your defense for this one. Come on, you guys who wrote all of that horrible shit last week about the murder of our friend Vittorio Arrigoni in Gaza, and the week before about the murder of Juliano Mer-Khamis in Jenin.

Let’s hear your thoughts on your comrade who decimates any hint of respect for my faith and the faith of many good people. Once again, most sadly, I am sorry for my Jewish friends who are indirectly represented by insanity like this. Just remember that it is extremely indirect.

Welcome to Israel, where American tax dollars support this kind of scummy broadcast. Honestly I think we are bigger sluts than Israel on many occasions, but this one takes the cake.

And by the way all you Israel fans, we have this pathetic clip of your whorish talk show host downloaded and trust me that if it goes down the Google hole, that it will spring back up all over the place, so you might as well leave it alone.

Did I mention what Israel needs to really do with that monkey?


Inserito su il 9 maggio 2011

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